Thanksgiving 2015

While we miss being with family in places all across the globe, we were pleased to have 13 of us at our home for Thanksgiving day.  Along with Daniel, Suzanne, and myself, we had six from Blair’s family, plus Suzanne’s brother, Dave, with his two sons (from San Diego and Bend), and Suzanne’s sister from Newhall, CA, area.


Later we had the sister missionaries come over to share a short Thanksgiving message, and each of us shared two things we were thankful for, one silly thing and one serious thing.  For the silly thing I noted I was thankful for things that make me laugh, like this morning when I laughed myself to tears from a Facebook post about smart phones doing spelling auto-correction in unintended ways.  And the serious thing was being so very thankful to live in the United States of America where the rule of law prevails.

We also committed to write down each day this coming week five things we are thankful for, with no repeats.  That should be easy.  Our lives are so blessed we could do 50 per day.  I’ll start with five right now.

  1. To live in this time in the United States of America
  2. To have interesting, gainful employment
  3. For my good health
  4. For five exceptional children
  5. For an incredible, wonderful wife



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