tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8601832390588340028.post8534202721156312996..comments2009-11-25T21:42:52.898-08:00Comments on A Craig Walker's Blog: Ideal age?Craighttp://www.blogger.com/profile/07404282761207574043noreply@blogger.comBlogger4125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8601832390588340028.post-5052588827102074072009-11-25T21:42:52.898-08:002009-11-25T21:42:52.898-08:00Sandi said it well--there is always something we g...Sandi said it well--there is always something we gain that compensates for what we lose as we age. Even though having a younger body back might be nice, I am much happier w/ the person I am now and wouldn&#39;t want to give that up.Suzanne Bubnashhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09305001077699530364noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8601832390588340028.post-29334003128066447582009-11-25T19:59:07.282-08:002009-11-25T19:59:07.282-08:00My thoughts on this change as my perspective chang...My thoughts on this change as my perspective changes over the years. I loved turning 10 and getting an Air Force ID card so I could do things on my own on base at Mountain Home, ID. For a long time I looked back on 16 as the best age because that is when I was in the best physical condition, due to being in gymnastics and dance. I could go on and on all day without resting, through school and after school rehearsals and fun time with friends afterwards, late into the evening. (And the independence of having a driver&#39;s license was cool, too!) I loved having a focus in music and great friends with mutual values. I remember at 26 feeling as though I was now no longer a child and could face the decisions of life alone if I had to, whatever would come. I had some very high-point experiences in the music side of my life through 20s, 30s, 40s. As I gained experience singing or in court reporting my experiences helped me to conquer challenging situations as they arose. Assignments at work get better as you gain seniority. In some ways it gets easier to prioritize what&#39;s important. I think there is always something that we gain that compensates for what we lose as we age. Maybe each age is the best...sandiwalkhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/16236523223166045234noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8601832390588340028.post-7506989128813512012009-11-25T15:59:19.745-08:002009-11-25T15:59:19.745-08:00I&#39;m glad to read this because I&#39;ve been th...I&#39;m glad to read this because I&#39;ve been thinking it&#39;s all downhill from 28.<br /><br />I think late teens is great but you don&#39;t appreciate what good shape you&#39;re in until it&#39;s too late.Bridgethttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11339936940500165901noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8601832390588340028.post-19541725836588550332009-11-25T08:47:18.682-08:002009-11-25T08:47:18.682-08:00I&#39;d say 50 is pretty good too.I&#39;d say 50 is pretty good too.Suzanne Bubnashhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09305001077699530364noreply@blogger.com