November has definitely arrived here in the Pacific Northwest. It has been colder, darker, and wetter. Of course, the time change has something to do with that, now that it is 4:50PM when the sun sets. And while it did rain quite hard for a few minutes this morning (causing some curb flooding with all the leaves) the normal precipitation around here seems to be a mist or light drizzle. And the change was brought into stark contrast because of the long stretch of marvelous Indian Summer weather we had in October. For example, this from October 22:
And here is what we have today (Nov. 7):
Since I’m not commuting by bicycle to work every day it is becoming more of a challenge to keep fit. I was making it a point to go on a 45 minute ride into the hills at least three times per week, but it is harder (and less safe) to do in wet weather. So this morning I resorted to this:
I blogged about this spinning class in a previous post–here is a link for “The Agony of Spinning”. (By the way, in the spirit of “Where’s Waldo”, can you see me in this photo?)
If I don’t get a bike right by a fan blowing air then I end up with a pool of sweat around my bike. Like this morning. But it is great exercise!
I see you in the mirror. 🙂 The guys next to me in spinning class often leave a huge pool of sweat, too. It’s just the nature of spinning.