In 1990 I was awarded a four-week sabbatical from work so we planned an extensive family vacation to the east coast. I spent the first week on a week long bicycle tour around eastern Washington and Oregon, then flew to Rochester, NY, to join Suzanne and the four kids for three weeks of travels. From there we visited Church history sites around Palmyra.
Moving on from there we visited Cooperstown, Plymouth and Boston, MA.
I made a whirlwind weekend trip to Salt Lake City for my brother’s wedding while the family continued to Brattleboro, VT, and Springfield, MA.
We joined back up near Hartford, CT, traded rental minivans (another story), and drove down to New York City. We walked up the inside stairs of the Statue of Liberty to the crown, then elevators to the top of the World Trade Center.
We stayed in one room in inexpensive motels all along the way, crowding two per bed as needed.
In Philadelphia we visited the US Mint and the Liberty Bell.
After a stop in Gettysburg we went on to Washington, DC, for the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and more.
From there we drove on to Williamsburg and Jamestown, VA.
Next we visited with my brother, Barry, in Sumter, SC. We made side trips to Charleston and Atlanta.
What a great trip this was, and such wonderful memories!
Haha, when you refer to us trading minivans as “another story,” my blog has that other story here:
Ah, memories…