Ride Like the Wind

The weather forecast for yesterday was for a cold front blowing in during the afternoon with strong east winds.  Since there was no precipitation predicted I decided to go ahead and commute to work on my bike.

I commute year round, through rain and darkness, but draw the line when I think safety is compromised.  So I don’t ride if the streets will be slick with snow or ice (at least, not on purpose), or if stormy conditions might impede motorists’ visibility of cyclists.  I avoid strong or gusty winds, too, as they can blow you out of your bike lane.

The morning commute was a blast, with a strong tailwind most of the way.  I was flying along at 22 mph and feeling calm air, so the wind velocity must have been close to that.  I knew I would pay the price on the commute home.

I had an appointment come up so had to leave work mid-afternoon, right in the thick of the peak of the windstorm.  The first leg was a half mile heading north, so I had to contend with gusty side winds from the east.  Not good, but I managed.  I then turned east for 7+ miles of 30+ mph headwinds.  I had to gear down and just pedal away at a slow speed.  The straight on head wind was good news/bad news.  Good that gusts weren’t blowing me sideways, bad that I had to work hard to move forward.

I had to contend with tree branches and debris blown down onto the road, and a couple of downed trees partly blocking the way.  I did worry a bit about a large branch or tree coming down on me.  But, after a much longer than normal duration, I made it home fine.  Was it worth it, and would I do it again?  While it is satisfying to accomplish hard things I think this experience crossed the safety line I draw for myself.  So next time (perhaps even today or tomorrow) I may have to hang my head and drive a car to work.

Flags blowing straight out:


The first four miles had pretty open terrain, so little protection from buildings or trees:



One Reply to “Ride Like the Wind”

  1. I told you how the Bethany bike lane was full of crud. Forgot to tell you about the dead raccoon. It straddled the bike lane so that a cyclist had to veer into traffic to avoid it. Then last night when I passed it, it was closer to the curb, freeing up the bike lane. I have no idea how it got moved.

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