A year ago I wrote this post about my weight loss. At that time I was very pleased to drop below 180 pounds. I had fears that, with the winter season coming on, with holiday feasting and reduced outdoor activity, that perhaps my weight would drift back up and I might lose motivation to continue my healthier eating habits.
Well, good news! I continue to waste away. Nothing dramatic, mind you. The best part is that my weight has remained low all year long, and even drifted lower. I typically weigh in around 177, and have drifted as low as 175.4. So I’m anticipating that magical morning when the scale will read below 175.
I don’t really have a goal to stay below 175. I think staying below 180 is more than fine, and I feel really good about that, and love how my clothes fit. If anything many of my clothes have the waist too large.