Your Friendly Neighborhood DMV

I chuckle when I remember that Simpsons episode when they go to the DMV where Homer’s sisters in law, Patty and Selma, work.  Patty and Selma are portrayed as lazy, unpleasant deadbeats, and one of them remarks she has developed repetitive stress disorder from scratching her bum all day at work.

Which of us hasn’t experienced the unpleasant task of visiting the DMV to renew a drivers license, or register a car?  The usual experience is you take a number upon entering, take a seat (if they aren’t all occupied), and wait up to an hour or more to be helped.  If you are fortunate your case will be straightforward and you won’t have to fill out a different form or return later with missing information.  You may also be lucky to be helped by a friendly and competent attendant.

I had to renew my drivers license so steeled myself on Friday morning and went to the closest DMV office.  Upon entering I was notified that their computer system was down and I would need to return a different day, or visit a DMV office in a neighboring city.  Hmmm.  Well, I was already in the mindset to get this done, so I went online on my iPhone to find the address of another DMV office.  I found one in Sherwood that was indicating a 45 minute wait.

After a 25 minute drive on freeway and some country roads, I arrived.

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The parking lot was pretty full and I approached the front door.


I will sidebar for a moment.  Notice the automatic door on the left entry?  I grabbed the handle to open that door and about pulled my shoulder out of its socket trying to open it, and it banged against me as I tried to squeeze through.  The same thing happened to the guy after me.

Here was the scene inside.

IMG_2187A large seating area is off camera to the left, and it was totally occupied, with numerous customers standing and waiting.  They were currently serving number 167, and I got number 223.  No problem, I did bring a book to read.  And figured the wait was long enough I could just go sit in my car for a few chapters.

I wasn’t able to use the facilities, though.


My turn came after about an hour’s wait, and everything went smoothly, including passing the eye exam without my progressive lens glasses.  I had a 30 minute drive home through mostly country roads, so it was pleasant enough.  All told, it was a three hour adventure, and I’m good for another eight years.

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